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Annual Turkey Campout 2012

Recently Troop 19 had the Turkey Campout from Friday, November 16th to Sunday, November 18th. On Friday, setup and snack went very well. On Saturday morning the patrols made breakfast and did the Round Robin Skills which seemed to run smoothly. About 10:00 we had the preparation of the turkeys, where we put spices and other items in to flavor them. Then the turkeys went in the aluminum foil ovens that were made previous to the campout. After that was done, we ate our snack/lunch. The patrols then cooked their sides and desserts. At approximately 2pm all people present ate the feast that was prepared. Afterwards, the patrols cleaned up and played a great game of capture the flag. The next day we took down the tents and played a terrific game of Frisbee at the field before returning to Nashua.

Write-up by Spencer R. after he enjoyed box-oven turkey he and his patrol cooked over the weekend.

Pictures below and on the following page by Mr. Filteau.